
Welcome to my new blog. It will be a hodgepodge of sense and senses. The senses will include pictures, videos, recipes and the odd political rant that makes sense to me. It will include excerpts from my new novel, "The Straw Buyer", a work still in progress, that you will be able to comment on, along with all the other entries. I will try to make it diverse enough to keep you coming back.

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Article about The Straw Buyer in The Herald Tribune

While in Sarasota recently, I was interviewed by Michael Braga, for The Herald Tribune. He was the recipient of the National Journalism Award and finalist for a Pulitzer Prize for a 2010 series on real estate flipping. Read it here

1 comment:

  1. Dear Philip Mongeau,

    My name is Livia. I'm an Author Liaison representative, representing Webnovel.

    I found your work Nobody's Odds, which comes highly recommended on Smashwords. I am very interested in a business collaboration with you, and would like to offer you a Non-Exclusive Contract that will not affect your novel distribution and earnings on Smashwords. We think that the theme and genre of your novel would be a great fit for our readers here on Webnovel.com

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    Here's the link to our site:

    Here's one article from Yahoo.com about our recent venture with TikTok.

    If you want to reach out personally, You can contact me at:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WebnovelEditors
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    Whatsapp: https://wa.me/6281331713024
    Whatsapp: +6281331713024
    Email: writerassistant07@webnovel.com
    Discord: Webnovel Editor-Livia#0943
